Karma festival is being celebrated on Bhadra month shukla paksha ekadashi tithi every year. This year karma festival will be celebrated on 25 September, 2023. Mainly women perform this puja for the wellbeing of brother. Jharkhand tribal people offer puja to Goddess nature.
karma tree and its branches are symbol of God Karma. And people offer puja to karma tree branches on this day. In Jharkhand this festival is being celebrated as traditional festival. If a girl is doing karma puja for the first time then her brother carry her in his arm to the place of worship. Almost all people wears traditional dresses.

Karma Puja Rituals
People follow some instructions in this puja. Women carry sand from near by river 10 days before from the puja. They puts barley and rice crop seeds in this sand. These crops are symbol of good crop cultivation. They put water regularly in this crop seeds. And women sings traditional folk songs at this place.
On the auspicious day of Karma Puja, women visits near by river, ponds for bath. Men forms a group and they sings traditional folk song and plays tribal Indian music instruments called dhol and mandar. They visits karma plant and first they offer pray and cuts three small branches from this tree for puja. They carry that branches on shoulder and it should not touch ground because it is the symbol of God.
They brings that karma tree branch to the worship place called Akhara in local language. In evening time all people gather at the worship place. They decorate this place beautifully. All people wears traditional dresses of Jharkhand.
The traditional dress is made up of cotton material in red and white color combination. Women wears saree and men wears dhoti, kameej and gamcha.
Puja rituals are performed by Pahan (tribal panditji). And he tells the story of Karma – Dharma, two brothers and the reason behind performing this Puja. Women keeps fast without drinking water and food for the wellbeing and they have a strong belief on Karam Gosai.
After Puja all people dance in a tribal style dance posture called as Jhumar here. After 2-3 hours they returns to there places.
How to opens Karma Puja Fasting
Next day morning all women after getting fresh carry rice and karmi vegetable as Prasad (holy food). They offer puja to karma tree branch offer prasad to it and they give a hug to it. Then in group they visit to nearby pond or river and puts tree branch in water. And returns to home. In some places next day Jatra is being organized to celebrate festival with a big crowd. They performs tribal dance (jhumar) there.
Story of Karma and Dharma
Karma and dharma was two brothers in a village. They both were marries. But Karma’s wife was not a good person. She usually puts hot rice water on earth. Karma felt bad for mother earth. One day karma left his home and village and went somewhere else. After that day all villagers were unhappy and nothing was good at that place. Dharma decided to look for his brother and he went from the village.
In his route he found one river without water and the river conveyed messaged for karma that she wants to know the reason why her water is dried up. Then he found one mango tree whose all fruits was attacked by pests. the plant also conveyed the message for karma. Then dharma found one old man and he told that from when karma went from village his shoulder loads are not getting unloaded with other persons help. Then dharma meet with one women and she told that all utensils are getting stick with her hands. please ask karma the reason.
Dharma reached at deserted area and there he found Karma. He asked him to return home but karma refused to go back. He said that her wife puts hot rice water on mother earth. He will not go to that place. Then Dharma promised him that from today no one will put hot rice water on mother earth.
Then they both starts for the home town. first they met with that women she asked him reason he replied that she did not give food to hungry people that’s why that things happened. Not do these kind of inhuman activity further then all things will be normal. after that he replied to river that she did not offer clean water to people that why her water dried up. Further offer clean water to all.
This way karma gave answers for all and returned to his home. Then he offer puja to Karma tree branch in his home. And people starts living happily here after. And from that day all people celebrate Karma festival and tells everyone this two brother’s story.
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